Sep 13, 2012


i saw my dear, dear friend elena yesterday, and she reminded me of the importance of writing this thing even after the trip. i have truly been thinking about it - the problem has been that ideally a day would have at least 30 hours in it for me to get everything done! but now i am going to get better, and start posting again - probably more in pictures than in words. but i guess that's how it's always been. 

life is so good. school and work are keeping us busy, but we are loving the fact that thomas doesn't have to work during evenings anymore: it just means more time we get to spend together! we have enjoyed our new house thoroughly, and it is finally in the point where it doesn't feel like house, but like a home. it is so so nice to finally have a living room! and a bedroom! and a guestroom (not to mention big closets, a bed, and a couch)! after a year of a small studio, you start appreciating these little things in life a bit more :D 

i will be back soon with some pictures!


  1. Yeah!! I have missed your updates. It was my summer addiction to follow your travels - can't wait to see more pictures. love ya!
