Jan 16, 2011


it feels weird to start writing this, since i just don't know where to begin, it's been too long. i should be sleeping right now.

i am so blessed. i still can't believe this all is happening, and i can't believe how well it has started out. i can't believe that i have so many good friends around me and that i get to know new amazing people every single day. i can't believe that i can finally say that i love school. i can't believe that i've gotten myself to the point where i am right now. i couldn't have done it alone.

i was talking with a friend today how i'm so lucky that i found my place when i was only 14 years old, a dream that i could start reaching. before i came here, i didn't have a doubt in my mind about me liking utah. i already loved it. now i love it even more. it's kind of weird to think about my life in finland - even though i was so happy there, it never felt as natural as utah does. it feels like i would've lived here for years now.

these weeks have been good! even though my start has been kinda rough in a way; i've gone to the student health center like everyday these past few weeks; i had respiratory infection, and i also slipped on campus three weeks ago and got the biggest bruise & bump ever on my knee (in the picture it's only like 2 days old - since then, the bruise has spread down to my ankle and around my calf, yes, it's very painful.....), i've enjoyed going to school and trying to figure out how everything works out. due to my knee i had to drop my water aerobics class, which i'm SO bummed about! hahahah, you may laugh now, i'm 70 years old.....

classes are great, especially my swedish class is so much fun! we've got a great group that i enjoy a lot. my roommates are awesome, as is also my ward. they all make me feel like home here. i've been doing tons of things, this weekend is also way packed (man, i'm so happy about our 3 day weekend - monday is martin luther king's day!!!), which is nice. last night i went to the cheesecake factory with jackie, and i swear, i've never eaten that much food at once. gosh, i'm still full. goodgooood stuff.

mmhhmm. i guess i just wanted to let you guys know that all is well. i will be back hopefully soon (and i should start taking some pictures......)! pussss!

1 comment:

  1. tuli vaan mieleen että mulla itseasiassa on kuva sun jalasta jossa toi mustelma on nääääääääin paljon isompi :D
