Sep 26, 2010


i hate hospitals. the feeling you get when you walk through its hallways, especially when you know you're looking for someone you love so very much. dad called me on friday and told that mummi (his mom) had to go to the hospital for a brain stroke. we left to kuopio right away and spent many hours next to her hospital bed. my dear 88-year-old grandma was lying there looking so weak and tiny. there wasn't much we could do, even less anything she could. but still i know that it meant the world to her to have her family next to her. that meant the world to me, too.
she's doing ok now, we'll see how things change during these next few days. it's never ever easy to get ready to say goodbyes. no, farewells and see you laters, to be correct :)
what a weekend. didn't exactly go as planned. i am so ready to get some sleep now.
mummi-rakas, minä rakastan sinua.


  1. i miss you!
    toivottavasti sun mummi-rakas toipuu hyvin.
    nähdään nyt viikolla joku päivä :-)

  2. Hitsi ku ite toivoo nytte että ois ollu vanhempi ja vahvempi ja tajunnu ottaa ajasta kaiken irti sillon ku oma mummi oli vielä elossa. Siitä on kohta viis vuotta ku se kuoli, mut tulihan se taas vähän tippa silimään ko luin ton sun tekstin :C Koita pärjäillä <3
